sinds 1850 actief op de woningmarkt

Atmosphere and specifics

  • Built in the 1970s/1980s
  • Name of this neighbourhood originates from the 4 half moon-shaped fortresses that are situated there. The 4 Lunetten are part of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie. (Lunet = Lune = Moon).
  • Urban experiment in which participation of the residents was a guideline for developers.
  • Child-friendly neighbourhood because of kind of ring road with cul-de-sacs.
  • Lots of greenery in and around the area and various parks.
  • Many former rental properties are now sold by the housing corporations.
  • The name of the neighbourhood refers to the Lunetten in the Beatrixpark, half moon-shaped defence works that are surrounded by water.
  • A residential area with a totally different character than Kanaleneiland from the 1950s or Overvecht from the 1960s. The plans werer all about a great variety in buildings.
  • Greenery and water were an important part of the plans.


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Construction years

Age distribution




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