sinds 1850 actief op de woningmarkt

Atmosphere and specifics

  • Parkhaven or Veilinghaven is the former harbour of the Utrecht fruit and vegetable auction along the Merwedekanaal.
  • After the auction and cattle market had left the area around 1970, the grounds became available to the Jaarbeurs.
  • Around 1995, several of the harbours were drained, the industrial estate was appointed residential area and Parkhaven was developed.
  • Part of the old Veilinghaven that remained, was refurbished as a landing for historic houseboats.
  • Industriële karakter van de haven is terug te zien in een gerestaureerde loskraan en vier zand- en grindtrechters. Deze ‘U-Trechters’ zijn te huur als vergaderruimte. In het voormalige havengebouw is nu een restaurant gevestigd
  • The industrial character of the old harbour can still be seen in a restored unloading crane and four sand and gravel funnels.
  • These 'U-Trechters' (funnels) can be rented as conference rooms.
  • The former harbour building now houses a restaurant.
  • The area appeals to architect lovers from the Netherlands and abroad and is also characterised by differences in height and red bricks.


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